Ranching Heritage Association Board

The Ranching Heritage Association, originally known as the Ranch Headquarters Association, was conceived by ranchers and historians who recognized the need to preserve ranching history and tradition.

Founders of the organization sought to address the loss of historically significant ranch structures to time and the elements. Chartered as a Texas non-profit corporation in 1969, the Association’s stated purpose was to preserve the physical, social and cultural aspects of ranching and to perpetuate the traditions intrinsic values and history of one of our nation’s most important industries.

From left to right: Mark Kirkpatrick, past president; Betsy Bellah, secretary/treasurer; Frank McLelland, president; John Welch, vice president; Jim Bret Campbell, executive director.



Frank McLelland

Vice President

John Welch


Betsy Bellah

Past President

Mark Kirkpatrick


Jay Andrews
Andra Cantrell
Clay Cash
Jay Evans
Sarah Fitzgerald
Andy Gray
Larry Hobbs
Jim Jennings
Joe Leathers
Barbara McKenzie
Cody White

Ex-Officio Members:

Vice Provost, TTU – Rod Williams
Ranch Hosts President – Lewis Neely


*Director Emeritus
Carl Andersen*
John Anderson*
Jay Andrews
Betsy Bellah
Levi Berry
Blake Birdwell
Nancy Birdwell
Pat Boone IV
Jim Burkhart*
Lisa Cagle
Andra Cantrell
Watt Casey
Clay Cash
Don Cash*
Mike Castles
James Clement
Blaze Cogdell
Cooper Cogdell
Scott Collier
Jake Cowen
Seth Denbow
Jan Elliott
John R. Erickson
Matt Etheredge
Jay Evans
Sarah Fitzgerald
Joe Flores*
Tanya Foerster
Mike Gibson*
Rob Gill
Matt Graves
Andy Gray
Jason Harlow
Larry Hobbs
Brooks Hodges
Jim Jennings*
Bedford Jones
Byron Kennedy
Kim King
Rob King
Mark Kirkpatrick
Joe Leathers
Hannah Lipps
Jim McAdams*
Bret McDowell
Barbara McKenzie
Frank McLelland
Jon Means
Charlie Middleton
Amber Miller
Bill Miller
David Neal
Gerald Nobles, Jr.
Joe Parker, Jr.
Will Phinizy
Lane Puckitt
Morris Reaves
Diane Scovell
Tom Sell
Patti Sikes
Jerry Smith
Tony Spears
Red Steagall*
Cliff Teinert*
Fred Underwood
Randy Upshaw
Tom Watson*
Dennis Webb
Garland Weeks*
Bob Welch
Bonnie Welch*
John Welch
Wesley Welch
Cody White
Andy Wilkinson
Scott Williamson
Larry Work
Don Workman*


Mission Statement: To receive and maintain assets and provide income for the benefit of the Ranching Heritage Association


Bill Gustafson

Vice President

Gary Lawrence


Kim King


Jay Andrews
Kathy Britton
Seth Dembow
Bill Hoffman Jr.
Gerald Nobles Jr.
Tony Spears
Jim Bret Campbell (RHA, Executive Director)
Bedford Jones (RHA President)