Teacher Resources
Field Trip Resources
Make the most of your field trip experience with these resources.
Lesson Plans
Download lesson plans developed by NRHC educators.
Ranch Life Learning
The National Ranching Heritage Center at Texas Tech University has partnered with the Hank the Cowdog podcast family to create educational material for each episode of the podcast. These activities are aligned with national curriculum standards and feature activities that focus on literacy, science, STEM, and social and emotional well being.
Teacher Workshops
The NRHC periodically offers professional development workshops for educators. These workshops correspond with exhibits and/or events held at the NRHC. IF you would like to be added to our educator contact list, email Julie Hodges.
History Trunk Program
The National Ranching Heritage Center has two history trunks available for check out to area educators. There is no fee and the check out period is two weeks. Each trunk contains a guidebook with an introduction, supply list and lesson plans that can be used with artifacts, books and other items included in the trunks. Trunks must be picked up and returned to the National Ranching Heritage Center.
Pioneer Living Trunk
This trunk encourages students to learn more about the hardships and traditions of the pioneers who helped settle West Texas. Artifacts in this trunk reflect the routines of daily life and also illustrate the resourcefulness of the pioneers.
Cowboys and Cattle Drives Trunk
This trunk focuses on cowboy life and how the early cattle drives changed ranching practices. Students will learn about the difficulties of the trail and the different experiences of the cowboys who drove the cattle to market.