Kids' Events
Quailapalooza is a hands-on range science experience focusing on the declining population of bobwhite quail presented by Texas Tech Quail at the National Ranching Heritage Center. Kids ages 5 to 12 will have the opportunity to see live bobwhite quail and learn about their habitat and how scientists study this important rangeland inhabitant.
When: Saturday, April 12, 2025 | 9-11:30 a.m.
Where: 3121 4th Street, Lubbock, TX
Cost: FREE (donations appreciated)
April 12, 2025
9 - 11:30 a.m.
Free to the public (donations appreciated)
Ranch Day
Ranch Day is the most fun day of the year at the National Ranching Heritage Center! Enjoy dozens of activities centered around ranching history, ranch skills and ranch science. Family-friendly, hands-on experiences will include living history demonstrations, ranch science activities, horseback riding, ranch horse skills demonstrations, leather stamping, rope making, cattle paint branding, cowboy music, and much more.
Stay tuned for a full list of events, programs & activities.
Ranch Day is made possible by The CH Foundation.